Rethinking Graph Analytics: A Dynamic Approach to Anti-Money Laundering

Tarapong Sreenuch
5 min readOct 7, 2024


Introduction: The Limits of Static Persistence in a Dynamic World

Imagine you are tasked with investigating a series of suspicious transactions spanning multiple bank accounts. You need to determine how these accounts are related, but the relationships are constantly shifting. Each time you think you’ve identified a pattern, new accounts and transactions emerge. How do you keep up with such a moving target?

Traditional databases are built for persistence — designed to store data reliably over time, acting as a vault of records. This persistence, however, can become a limitation for dynamic problems like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and fraud detection, where networks evolve rapidly and constantly. Graph databases like Neo4j have revolutionized how we visualize and analyze relationships between entities, yet they also embody a static view that can make it challenging to keep up with the shifting tactics of financial criminals.

On the other hand, Spark’s GraphX takes a different approach: networks are created dynamically, on-the-fly, based on changing criteria. This represents a shift from static data persistence to dynamic, evolving data views, and ultimately a philosophical change in how we approach network analysis for fraud and AML.

Limitations of Graph Databases in AML

One of the main limitations of graph databases is their reliance on pre-constructed networks. In AML and fraud detection, the criteria used to establish relationships can both help and hinder investigations. If the criteria are too restrictive, you risk missing significant connections; if too broad, you end up with too many false positives that can overwhelm analysts.

Rhetorical Question: Have you ever struggled to piece together evolving connections, only to be stymied by the rigid nature of your database schema?

This rigidity often leads to multiple sources of truth, especially in environments with stringent regulations requiring multiple data stores for privacy reasons. Graph databases like Neo4j are powerful in their own right — they excel in representing complex entity relationships and applying graph algorithms such as Weakly Connected Components and PageRank to identify key players in a network. However, they struggle to keep up in environments where relationships are fluid, constantly shifting as criminals change tactics.

Spark GraphX: Embracing Dynamism in Networks

Spark’s GraphX embraces the notion of fluid, on-the-fly construction of relationships. Imagine you are trying to trace a fraud ring that shifts every few weeks — adding new accounts, dropping old ones, and using evolving tactics to avoid detection. Unlike traditional graph databases, GraphX allows the network to be constructed dynamically each time new data is ingested, based on the latest investigative needs.

This adaptability means that investigators can change criteria in real-time, tracking changes in networks as they evolve. For example, with GraphX, you can generate a network that shows only the most recent transactions, creating a temporal perspective that helps you understand not just static relationships, but also how entities are connected over time. This perspective is crucial for detecting fraud rings that form briefly, adapt to pressure, and then dissolve — allowing investigators to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Platform Highlight: Platforms like Quantexa use Spark’s capabilities to create dynamic, context-aware networks for AML investigations. Quantexa combines distributed processing with advanced analytics, enabling more flexible investigations. By dynamically adjusting link criteria and adding context from multiple data sources, it reduces false positives and uncovers hidden connections that static databases might miss.

Neo4j vs. Spark GraphX: A Philosophical Choice

The choice between Neo4j and Spark GraphX isn’t just about performance — it reflects two different ways of thinking about data.

  • Neo4j is about persistence and optimization of pre-defined graphs. It works well in situations where relationships are relatively stable, and where real-time querying of complex relationships is needed. Graph algorithms like PageRank and Louvain Modularity help to reveal high-risk subgraphs in a static dataset. It excels in entity resolution, finding connections between entities based on multiple attributes, which is especially useful when identifiers are inconsistent.
  • Spark GraphX is all about dynamism. It’s more suitable for environments with constantly changing relationships, like fraud detection, where entities and connections need to be re-evaluated continually. GraphX allows investigators to adapt in real-time, making it ideal for chasing evolving fraud tactics. The distributed nature of Spark enables scalability, allowing the analysis of very large datasets — though this comes with added complexity in configuration and resource management.

Rhetorical Question: Which approach is right for you — maintaining a static, persistent view, or dynamically building relationships on demand as the context evolves?

Bringing Persistence and Dynamism Together: A Hybrid Approach

Real-World Application Scenario: Imagine you are managing an AML system at a bank. You need to monitor known risky accounts, but you also need to identify new fraud rings that may be emerging. Here’s how a hybrid approach could work:

  • Neo4j helps you maintain a persistent network of known entities — people and accounts that are already under scrutiny. With Neo4j, you can run deep analysis and get answers quickly when you need to query known relationships.
  • Spark GraphX allows you to explore new data in real time. As transaction data streams in, GraphX builds a graph dynamically to help identify new connections that weren’t previously visible, allowing you to adapt as fraudsters change tactics.
  • Quantexa adds depth by pulling in contextual information — external data like news, public records, and historical trends, which enrich the investigation and help assess the overall risk of connections.

This combination ensures that your AML system remains both stable and adaptive — maintaining a strong foundation while being able to quickly respond to new threats.

Conclusion: Beyond Persistence — Toward a New Paradigm in Graph Analytics

In financial crime investigation, especially in AML and fraud detection, embracing a dynamic data model can be more effective than relying solely on static, persistent graphs. Neo4j offers powerful tools for deep, stable analysis when you need persistent knowledge quickly. Spark GraphX, on the other hand, enables dynamic, evolving views — building and rebuilding relationships based on changing investigative needs.

Explicit Takeaway: The future of graph analytics in AML doesn’t have to be a choice between persistence and adaptability. The best solutions often combine both: using static graph databases like Neo4j for efficient querying and monitoring, while leveraging frameworks like Spark GraphX for dynamic exploration as new data emerges.

Call to Action: If you’re currently dealing with AML challenges, think about how both technologies could complement each other. Start by testing a pilot project — use Neo4j for maintaining persistent relationships, and experiment with GraphX to dynamically explore new connections. With the right combination, you can move from merely reacting to threats to proactively understanding and disrupting them before they mature.

#AML #FraudDetection #GraphTechnologies #Neo4j #SparkGraphX #FinancialCrime #DataAnalytics #PracticalSolutions #HybridApproach #Quantexa #TechInnovation

